Clinical Study


Factors Affecting Antenatal Care in the Women of South Punjab: A Comprehensive Study at Buch Hospital

This study at Buch Hospital, South Punjab, examines factors influencing antenatal care utilization, including demographics, gynecological knowledge, empowerment, information sources, contraceptive knowledge, antenatal care practices, dietary habits, and delivery plan

Prevalence of Diabetes Measured by HbA1c in Genders and different age groups.

This study investigated diabetes prevalence using HbA1c levels among patients at Buch International Hospital, Multan, in 2023. It emphasized the importance of HbA1c testing and highlighted the need for targeted public health interventions across all socioeconomic strata.

Artificial Neural network to predict Thalassemia trait from CBC, peripheral Smear, Hb Electrophoresis and/or Serum Ferritin

This study proposes using an ANN model to predict thalassemia carrier status from routine blood test parameters (CBC, Serum Iron, Serum Ferritin), offering a cost-effective diagnostic tool in resource-poor countries like Pakistan.

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